Facilitating school transformation using the expertise and voices in your buildings.

Our services.

  • Increasing Student Engagement

    These 1 hour, 3 hour, and full day sessions will help your school implement strength based practices that will increase student engagement. These sessions will include:

    Identifying student interests and strengths

    Connecting interests and strengths to learning standards

    Developing interests into talents

    Connecting talents to careers

    Building future-ready student profiles

  • Developing Cognitive Reasoning

    The Department of Education requires all state assessments to assess higher order thinking, reasoning, critical thinking, communication, and understanding challenging content. These skills are also necessary for solving problems and making good decisions in life. These 1 hour and 3 hour sessions will include:

    Intro to theories of intelligence

    Understanding types of critical thinking

    Understanding types of inference

    Sentence Frames for critical thinking

    Sentence Frames for making inferences

    State test prep for reasoning

  • School Transformation through Inquiry & Design

    Many schools have been established with an emphasis on STEM or STEAM. Some schools have incorporated “Habits of Mind” and many gifted programs use Depth & Complexity icons. But shouldn’t every school develop higher level thinking in all students? This session will show how Inquiry & Design can be integrated across the curriculum to elevate thinking and problem solving for all students. This is transformative since it will impact your students’ ability to learn in addition to developing student agency. These 3 hour and Full day sessions will include:

    The difference between Inquiry & Scientific Inquiry

    Using Inquiry across the curriculum

    Engineering Design as a problem solving process

    Engineering Design across the curriculum

    Data Analysis: Begin with the end in mind

    Growing future-ready, life-long learners

  • Implementing a Talent Development Program

    Would you like to see your students more engaged and excited about learning the state standards? If so, the first step is getting to know the interests and strengths in every student. A Talent Development Program will provide instructional time for students to explore their interests and develop expertise. Through career exploration students will identify careers where their talents are desired. A Talent Development Program will help to show the “why” in every class. These 3 hour and Full Day sessions will include:

    Explore free & premium EdTech examples for identifying and managing student interests & strengths

    Explore various talent development programs & choose the one or hybrid that works for you

    Explore how AI language models can serve as “personal motivators and career coaches”

    JigSaw and Brainstorming for connecting to careers

    Building future-ready student profiles

  • Assessment Consulting & Audits

    How sound is your Balanced Assessment Program? Are your teachers using formative assessment data to inform instruction and provide feedback to students and parents? Do you have consistent rules or work flow for deciding which students need remediation or intervention? Do your rules suggest the intensity of the interventions and does your progress monitoring data determine the effectiveness of your interventions? Are you able to track growth across the district from Fall, Winter, and Spring? And finally, does your Summative Assessment results correlate with your formative and interim data? These 3 hour and Full Day sessions will include:

    Exploring types of assessments

    *Identifying & classifying the assessments used in your buildings

    *Identifying if multiple assessments of the same type are being used that are adding costs and reducing instructional time

    *Evaluating the utilization of assessment data

    *Exploring free and premium tools for bringing the data together to build student profiles

    (*Note: an assessment audit will use this input from Principals, Teachers, and Specialists to prepare a formal report for the Superintendent. A follow-up meeting with the Superintendent and selected stakeholders where the audit findings are reviewed may be requested at no additional charge)

  • Corporate Services

    Sales Coaching: Developing your EdTech sales team’s expertise in solution and consultative selling and delivering winning presentations

    Cost efficient outbound sales campaigns and product demonstrations

    Reseller partnerships